Natural Extraction
"Do it once, do it right.”
This is our mantra here at Natural NZ Honey, so when James decided to move into honey extraction, we looked at the research and best advice in the industry, before investing into a state of the art, purpose built facility.
Here at Natural Extractions, we have the best modern equipment, highly motivated staff and quality systems available, and we can now offer this service to you.
As beekeepers we know the investments you’ve made into hiveware, and the importance of ‘a quick turnaround,’ so we treat your boxes with the care and speed of our own.
We pride ourselves with honesty, integrity and good communication, ensuring your investment is in good hands and giving you peace of mind.
Our Plant is fully registered with MPI, EU accredited and verified by Asure Quality.
Our Services include:
Pallet weigh in receipt
Pallet weigh out receipt
Full detailed reports
Warming room
Drumming and management of honey
Wax separation and storage
Full Range of honey testing
Industry knowledge on current trends and markets.
Foothills Honey
Foothills, our Natural New Zealand Honey honey brand produced off your land, After years of exporting our precious honey, part one of the dream is finally here- our own honey brand on Kiwi tables.
It is currently stocked in our favourite supermarkets and cafes around the South Island. Make sure you keep an eye out for it and tell all your friends!!

Manuka Nursery
We’ve grown and supplied hundreds of thousands of Manuka trees to riparian planting, plantations and trial plots over the past three years and are seeing great results.
We are growing several selected varieties, targeted, and researched with strong attributes to survive hard Canterbury high country conditions, but ultimately produce large quantity nectar high in the chemical marker Dihydroxyacetone. DHA is a precursor chemical of MGO. It is found predominantly in Manuka honey and is the main chemical responsible for the unique non-peroxide antibacterial activity of Manuka honey.
A new Manuka plantation is a long-term investment towards targeting high value honey, so it is prudent to plant with a predominance of high DHA producing Manuka varieties ensuring that your investment can be recovered faster through the premium value of the honey.
We are now also looking at expanding into some new plant species this season to supplement plantings and help farmers gain maximum benefit from the ‘One Billion Trees’ Government subsidies. These will include locally sourced Totara, Mountain and Black Beech, Matai, Miro and Rimu.